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1.Nagasaki Day 2024

9th August (Daily Current Affairs)

1.Nagasaki Day 2024 In news: ● Nagasaki Day, observed each August, solemnly commemorates the atomicbombing of Nagasaki, Japan, by the United States during World War II in1945.This tragedy occurred only three days after the Hiroshima bombing,representing the second and last instance of nuclear weapons used inwarfare.● The day is marked by memorial services, peace vigils, […]

How to read the newspaper

Newspaper reading is the most cumbersome activity of the preparation and it takes months and too much of efforts to understand what to read and what not to read from them. Below are the tips which will help you to get the most out of reading the newspaper. Regularly make notes of the topics you […]

Prehistoric cultures in India

India has a rich history of prehistoric cultures that span thousands of years. These cultures are characterized by the absence of written records and are primarily studied through archaeological evidence. Here are some notable prehistoric cultures in India: 2. Mesolithic Era (10,000 – 4,500 BCE): During this period, the climate became warmer, and hunting-gathering communities […]

Misguidance in UPSC preparation

Misguidance in UPSC preparation can happen in various ways, UPSC is Very dynamic adjust your study according to changing patterns of UPSC. Following outdated or incorrect study materials of the 90s Era: Some people may recommend outdated or incorrect study materials that may not be relevant to the current UPSC exam pattern or syllabus. Following […]

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