A UPSC aspirant who wish to have the first hand study of the information can look out for it in the Government of India websites. These websites are run by Government itself or by any affiliated branch of it.
1. upsc.gov.in – The most important website for a UPSC aspirant. It is the official website of UPSC, where one can find all the notifications and application forms of the civil service examination and all the other exams conducted by UPSC.
2. ncert.nic.in- Here one can download all the NCERT textbooks as PDF, the first step towards UPSC preparation.
3. yojana.gov.in- Yojana and Kurukshetra magazines as PDF could be found here. As discussed in an earlier post, widely read magazines about development and rural affairs.
4. gatewayhouse.in- The website of Indian Council for Global Relations. Here one can find all the first hand news about the developments of Indian relations with the countries around the world. One need to study only selective content from the website.
5. ptinews.com- Website of the Press Trust of India. All the news releases from the Government of India can be found on this website. One can say it is the primary source of news to all the print and electronic media from the government. Needless to say all news are not relevant and a student should select only relevant news.
6. prsindia.org- This is PRS website, which could be used to track the bills in Parliament. It is one of the most useful websites to have a quick look over the bills pending in Parliament and their status.
7. mea.gov.in- Official website of the Ministry of External Affairs. Here one can find all external affairs related information, however, one will have to work a lot to get the relevant news.
8. pib.nic.in- Most widely used website by the UPSC aspirants. It is the website of Press Information Bureau. One can track and study all the government updates here.
9. idsa.in- The website is useful for the study of Defense and Foreign relations. Due to the dearth of material for new topic of ‘security’, one can rely on this website as it contains a lot of material useful for UPSC examination.
10. envfor.nic.in- This is the website of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. Since the era of green politics around the globe, it is one of the most important topics with still a very less amount of original and new material around. The information from the website can be used in any part of answer or essay writing.
11. indiabudget.nic.in- Here one can download the ‘Annual Budget’ and ‘Economic Survey of India’. This covers a substantial part of the Economics section of the syllabus, especially the economic survey gives you the total picture of the economic situation of the country.
12. makeinindia.com- The website is very useful for the students as it can provide them the much needed information about ‘Make in India initiative’ of the Government of India for manufacturing related info. The information can be vital in Interviews this year and in mains exam for next few years.
13. nios.ac.in- The website is to download PDF of NIOS (National Indian Open School) materials. The material is extremely useful for unconventional areas, where a good textbook is not available like Indian Culture.
14. egyankosh.ac.in- This website is to download PDF of IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) books. The IGNOU books are considered authority in their respective subjects and are very much valued among the students and are prescribed by many renowned teachers.
The information content of the above mentioned website is enormous and a lot of them are updated daily, making it almost impossible for a student to study them in great detail. However, if read selectively from them, a nice grip over the current affairs and other such dynamic parts of the syllabus can be achieved.